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How to Weaken the Hold of Addiction image


How to Weaken the Hold of Addiction

Many of us are prey to addictive behaviours which we know run contrary to our deeper interests but which we find ourselves entirely unable to desist from at key moments.

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Charles Darwin and the Descent of Man image


Charles Darwin and the Descent of Man

It is completely understandable that we are often maddened by what might be called ‘normal’ humanity. In such moods the 19th century naturalist Charles Darwin has much to say to us.

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Straightforward vs. Complicated People image


Straightforward vs. Complicated People

A basic distinction in humans is between those who are simple and straightforward to deal with – and those who are – as we tend to be reminded when we interact with them – repeatedly tricky or complicated to handle.

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Select themes

After They Left


After They Left

For years, we forgot all about ownership. It would have made no sense to ask who owned the little vase…
Why Hurt People Hurt People


Why Hurt People Hurt People

It’s one of the puzzles of relationships that, after a hugely promising few months or years, one of the members…
The Wisdom of Stoicism


The Wisdom of Stoicism

Stoicism was a philosophy invented by leading minds in Ancient Greece and Rome to help us cope with agonising periods…