Resilience – Professional Workshop

  • Professional Workshops
  • Self-Knowledge
  • Work
Understand what resilience means, look for a true definition beyond the buzzword.

Virtual event



More About The Workshop

Our ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenge is an important skill for both professional and personal success. In the workplace, resilience can help us manage change, reduce stress, make better decisions, build healthier relationships and stay motivated.


In fact, a recent study by the World Economic Forum found that resilience will be one of the top five in demand skills within the future of work.


What characterises mastery of this skill?

Resilient employees are able to remain energetic, healthy and productive during and after stressful events. They understand loss as a natural part of all professional  (and personal) life, and their growth mindset enables them to quickly rebuild. They stay positive by recalling past successes and regard stressful episodes as an opportunity from which to learn.


What characterises a lack of this skill?

Employees with a lack of resilience are  more likely to burn out or suffer from  stress. High levels of pressure distract them from work and damage their ability to focus. They might struggle to develop awareness  of the physical signs of stress (leading to poor self-care) and take a long time to recover from failures.

“Anything worth achieving will always have obstacles in the way.” — Chuck Norris


“I found the session exceptionally interesting, illuminating and also applicable to my job and everyday life.”

“I learned that showing vulnerability connects us all and that we should share failures not just successes”

“It encouraged me to look back at how I reacted to difficult situations-  especially to identify non-constructive thoughts and hopefully change them”

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