Creativity – Professional Workshop

  • Professional Workshops
  • Self-Knowledge
  • Work
Einstein said that we’re all born geniuses – which suggests that a lot of education strips us of our innate creative powers. Very often, the pressure to be serious, along with stress, anxiety, and self-criticism holds us back from being fully creative.

Virtual event



More About The Workshop

In this two-hour session, we will:

• Learn the myths and the realities of the creative process.

• Explore our intuition and learn how to access it regularly.

• Learn strategies for coming up with new ideas and overcoming creative blocks.

• Reflect on our own strengths and weaknesses during the creative process.


What characterises mastery of this skill?

Creative employees are able to consider things from different viewpoints and challenge fixed assumptions in order to solve a work-related problem. They usually have an open mindset and feel comfortable with iterative processes which include a risk of failure. They are able to detach their self-esteem from their ideas and let go of impractical suggestions.


What characterises a lack of this skill?

Employees with a lack of creativity often find it difficult to try something new and prefer familiar methods. They might hold themselves back by criticising their own ideas or cutting down other people’s. Additionally, they might rely too much on others to help solve problems.


“I learned the part assumptions play in blocking my creative thoughts”

“I realised that collaboration- or just talking to others- is the most vital thing for thinking creatively”

“It helped me recognise barriers to creativity and ways to address them”

‘You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.’ — Maya Angelou