Crafting Careers – Professional Workshop

  • Professional Workshops
  • Self-Knowledge
  • Work
Identify the importance of having career goals, and the common obstacles in identifying this.

Virtual event



More About The Workshop

One of the most extraordinary and yet quietly routine assumptions of our professional lives is that we should be able to find work that we not only tolerate, but profoundly appreciate; a job that provides us with a high degree of purpose, camaraderie and creativity. In this workshop, we’ll explore what it means to craft a meaningful career and discover strategies that will help us navigate obstacles and inhibitions to pursuing and nurturing a job that we love.

This Workshop will help participants to:


•Explore the evolving nature of career as a component of our personal identity.

•Discover the Pleasure Points of Work in order to help us ground in what might drive us in our careers.

•Practise using the Pleasure Points of Works to craft career goals and tangible actions move us forward.

•Reflect on happiness at work and what it might mean to have a ‘good enough’ job

Frequently Asked Quetions