Embodied Leadership: Unlocking Inner Strength and Authentic Connection

  • In English
  • in Präsenz
  • Berufliche Weiterbildung
This one-day workshop in Berlin is designed to unlock your leadership potential with body-centred wisdom, fostering trust, resilience, and authentic connection.

The School of Life | Lychener Str. 7 | 10437 Berlin


625€ exkl. VAT | 743,75€ inkl. VAT

Embodied Leadership: Unlocking Inner Strength and Authentic Connection

In-person workshop | Next date: 11th October 2024 | Berlin

In an era marked by unprecedented challenges and uncertainty, the need for leaders who can connect deeply and authentically with their teams has never been more critical.

This workshop addresses the urgent need for leaders to develop greater empathy, resilience, and the ability to truly feel with and understand their people. By tapping into interoception – the ability to read the wisdom of the body – leaders can not only manage their own triggers and overwhelm but also create a more empathic and trusting environment, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration that is essential for productivity amid today’s complex challenges.

Join us for an immersive experience where you’ll learn to attune to the needs of your nervous system and deepen your connection with others through body wisdom and the skill of embodied presence. This workshop offers practical tools and techniques to help you stay resourced under pressure, foster genuine relationships, and lead with confidence and empathy.

Key Modules Include:

  • The Neuroscience of Interoception: Understand how internal bodily signals influence your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Learn to listen to and interpret these signals to enhance self-awareness and decision-making.
  • Authentic Communication: Develop the skills to express yourself honestly and listen empathetically. Discover how to create an environment of trust and openness, crucial for effective team dynamics and leadership.
  • Embodiment Practices: Engage in exercises and practices that promote physical and emotional regulation. Learn to embody presence, resilience, and clarity, transforming your leadership from within.

By the end of this workshop, you’ll not only have a deeper understanding of how to manage your stress, triggers and overwhelm, but also the ability to inspire and connect with your team on a more profound level. Don’t miss this opportunity to evolve your leadership skills and make a lasting impact.


This workshop is for you if you want to:

  • Effectively manage and reduce day-to-day overwhelm.
  • Cultivate emotional intelligence and maintain composure under pressure.
  • Enhance your focus and presence in meetings and interactions.
  • Build stronger trust, empathy, and effective communication with your team.
  • Make clear, confident decisions even in stressful situations.
  • Increase your self-awareness and positively impact those around you.
  • Develop a consistent and resilient leadership presence, especially during challenging times.

Your trainer

Lee Lester

Lee Lester is a Senior Embodiment Facilitator and Somatic Resourcing Coach. As a certified Mindfulness & Compassion at Work Facilitator and Empathy & Awareness trainer he is deeply committed to sharing the skills and knowledge needed to ignite positive change at a personal and organisational level.

Dates and further information

Where: The School of Life | Lychener Str. 7 | 10437 Berlin


Start: 11th October 2024
11th October – 9:30 am -5:00 pm

Start: 12th February 2025
12th February – 9:30 am -5:00 pm

Number of participants: 14 max.

Participation fee:
625€ exkl. VAT (743,75€ inkl. VAT)

Tickets are also available on invoice on request by e-mail. Just send us an e-mail to [email protected].

NGOs receive a 40% discount on request via e-mail.

Any further questions?
Message us: [email protected]


Would you like to discuss the possibility of conducting this training as an in-house session?

Arrange a non-binding consultation



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